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​About US

Ensemble Immagine





Based on the form and element of classic called post classical Incorporating multi-element sound material such as synthesizer Started activities with the aim of making music with its own view of the world. An ensemble band that is working with music aiming at close-up music together with the video & film music.

ピアノ・作曲 piano,composer

真野恵子keiko mano

岡山県出身。3歳からピアノを始め、山陽女子高校音楽科ピアノ専攻、武蔵野音楽大学器楽科ピアノ専攻卒業。学生時代よりクラシック以外の音楽にも興味を持ち音作りを始める。Irish American Univercity, Film Scoring Academy of Europe映画音楽プログラムにて映画音楽、オーケストレーションについて学ぶ。和声学と作曲法も学び、映画、映像音楽の作曲家としても活動中。

Began playing the piano at the age of 3, graduating from the Sanyo high school music department, the Musashino Music College instrumental department piano.I study filmscore & Orchestration at Film Scoring Academy of Europe. I started to make sounds with interests other than classical music. I also studied harmony science and composition law, and I am also working as a composer.

photo:mami ishizawa

ヴァイオリン・MA violin,mastering

安田玲音 reone Yasuda


Began violin from the age of 4, graduated from the Musashino Music College attached high school, Musashino Music Institute instrumental music violin major. I also have work experience at a sound production company. I am teaching violin and also working as a free violinist in concerts and recordings.

ヴァイオリン violin


takayo miyamoto



Began violin and piano from childhood, Hiroshima girls school high school, graduated from Musashino Music College violin major. Yamaha music school  to lecturers on violin course, we also have a wide range of performances at weddings, orchestras, concerts and live performances.

ヴィオラ viola

土屋昌子 masako tsuchiya



Started playing the violin from an early age and graduated from Senzoku Gakuen College of Music. He took a master class in Vienna, Salzburg and received a diploma. She has performed in concerts by talented people and has been well received.Currently, he is active as a freelance player in orchestra, chamber music, music programs, live concerts, etc., in addition to teaching younger generations.


チェロ cello

石川 啓 hiraku ishikawa

東京都出身。6歳よりチェロを始め、桐朋女子高等学校音楽科(共学)、桐朋学園大学音楽学部卒業。オーストリアで、ヴァイオリニストAttila Szabö氏が主催するマスタークラスを受講。同氏のカルテット演奏旅行に参加し、オーストリア各地で演奏。オーストリアで開催のMUSIKWERKSTATT CUVÉEに参加し選抜演奏会に出演。   


Started cello at the age of 6, graduated from Toho Gakuen High School Music Department and Toho Gakuen University Music Department. he attended a master class in Austria, hosted by Attila Szabö. After  the class, he took part in quartet performed at tour.

he participated in the master class and performed in a selection concert.He is currently active including extra appearances in orchestras, back orchestras for artists, and recording.

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